- AG - astrophysics and geophysics
- BK - biophysics and complex systems
- FM - solid state physics and physics of materials
- KT - nuclear physics and particle physics
KT - nuclear physics and particle physics
- KT.DAK - Data Analysis of e+ e- Collisions at Belle
- KT.GID - Gas-filled Ionization Detectors
- KT.HIP - Higgs Physics with the ATLAS Experiment
- KT.HPD - Semiconductor Pixel Detectors
- KT.KRB - Nuclear Reaction Analysis at the Accelerator
- KT.MOE - Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- KT.PIR - Elemental analysis by proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE)
- KT.POV - Positron Annihilation: Coincidence Spectroscopy
- KT.PTQ - Studies on the Physics of the Top Quark
- KT.WZE - W/Z Experiment at the Tevatron
KT.POV - Positron Annihilation: Coincidence Spectroscopy
We demonstrate the positron life time spectroscopy using positrons from the decay of Na-22 into Ne-22. We measure the life time of positrons in metal samples and insulators with a time resolution of a few hundred picoseconds. The life time is an indicator for the existence of vacancies and voids in a material and also an indicator for the formation of positronium (e+-e-). We use different types of gamma detectors to detect gammas from the Na-22 decay and gammas from positron annihilation. We set up a time coincidence measurement using conventional nuclear spectroscopy modules and perform the time calibration and time resolution measurements. We also evaluate the angular correlation of the annihilation radiation using a coincidence setup.